Published since 1988, Architecture of Israel magazine aims to promote climate and environmental awareness, creative and feasible architecture (as stated on its website, thus providing a platform for essential and fertile dialogue between Israeli architecture and the international architecture, in both Western and Eastern contexts. This dialogue is practically expressed by annual international competition 'Project of the Year', promoted jointly by Architecture of Israel and the European Union.
Advisory Board
Arch. Prof. Tigran Haas, KTH, Sweden
Arch. Prof. Benamy Turkienicz, Brazil
Arch. Dr. Osnat Rozen Kremer Wizo, Haifa
Prof. Naomi Carmon, Technion, Haifa
Architect Osvaldo Stav, Israel
Architect Roni Seibert, Israel
Arch. Prof. Rafi Rich, Hebrew University
Arch. Prof. Isaac A. Meir, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Arch. Prof. Yasha Grobman, Technion, Haifa