אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 125
2021 מאי 125 אילוזיות אדריכליות אדריכלות ישראלית 15 | | Optical illusions use various techniques to disrupt the visual perceptive mechanism of the brain. Top: "Mark's House" - a Tudor-style house planned by British studio Two Islands - structure clad with reflective panels laid on top of a mirrored pedestal, creates the appearance of a floating building located in Michigan, USA. Below: House in Phoenix, Arizona. Made of mirror surfaces, the "transparent" structure illustrates the visible and invisible - private and public relations. Right page top: Argentine artist Leonardo Erlich's installation using mirrors at the Barbican, London. Right page below: Graphic illustration showing the possible alternating transition of the brain between two visual options.