2022 פברואר 128 אדריכלות ישראלית G5 טכנולוגיית 25 | | Above: Sketch showing multiple monitoring tools in urban areas. Right page: Car number recognition cameras are widely used to automatically open public or private parking lots. advancement of G5 technology and the optic fiber networks that 'innocently' penetrate into the buildings, actually function as a 'Trojan Horse' that threatens the ability of homeowners to protect their privacy. The most tangible threat is supported by computer cameras and especially mobile phones, which make it possible to expose everything that goes on behind the walls, while the spatial concept of "room of the rooms", expressing the spatial depth of a building, loses its meaning. And here it is worth mentioning the 'innocence' of the Smart Home technology, which still focuses on the remote operation of home systems on the WiFi - an advantage that can be overturned when this control is expropriated by foreign elements, according to the rule that thieves are always at least one step ahead of police. n such a situation, the 'wisdom' of the Smart Home must be expressed in the possibility of neutralizing the main weakness of the whole system: the smart phone that controls all the home systems, but enables hostile forces to break into the network infrastructure. In this light, the next generation of 'smart home' technology must equip the system with the means to monitor every possible invasion of privacy.