2022 פברואר 128 אורחי העונה - סנוהטה נורבגיה אדריכלות ישראלית 51 | | Under - Underwater restaurant, Lindsens, Norway Located at a unique biological meeting point between species and marine vegetation, the semi-submerged structure functions as an underwater research center with a restaurant that provides guests with a unique Norwegian experience. Concrete walls, about half a meter thick, allow the structure to withstand pressure and shocks even in stormy conditions, while the rough shell-like mantle allows algae and corals to adhere to it. The restaurant, which seats about 40 guests every evening, is considered an environmental attraction and a new landmark in southern Norway (See also next page). Architect: Snøhetta, Kjetil Trædal Thorsen Photos: IVAR KVAAL