אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 128

Guests of the Season - Snøhetta אדריכלות ישראלית Architecture of Israel #128 February 2022 | | 56 The formation of Snøhetta as an international firm arose from occasional chats in 1989 between two architects who intended to participate in the competition for the Library of Alexandria - Kjetil Traedal Thorsen from Oslo and Craig Edward Dykers from Los Angeles. The two decided to submit a joint entry with an international team that included architects and landscape architects from Norway, Los Angeles and Austria, several artists and the art historian Cordula Mohr, who was responsible for explaining the program and its affinity to the historic Library. Regarded as the largest library of the ancient world, it was founded as a part of the Alexandria Museum. In the third century BC it was set on fire by Julius Caesar, and totally destroyed by Aurelianus Augustus in 270 AD. As the new construction is perceived as a revival of the ancient Library, it earned Snøhetta a place in the architectural world. The combined design team was located in a small office above the Dovre-Hallen pub in Oslo. ‘Dovre’ is a mountain range separating the northern and the southern parts of Norway, the highest peak of which is ‘Snøhetta'. The name was adopted by the team that strove (and succeeded) to reach the peak of the world of architecture. Founded by Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Christoph Kapeller and Craig Edward Dykers, the firm is located in Oslo, Norway and New York City, with studios in San Francisco, Innsbruck, Paris, Hong Kong, Adelaide and Stockholm. Today, it is involved in many projects worldwide. Despite the variety of sources the dominant line of thought at Snøhetta is based in Norwegian culture, the architecture of which is well-rooted in its amazing landscape. Accordingly, the philosophy of the firm is that architecture is not subject to any known orders or rules, since it constantly needs to adapt to the restless human brain. Hence, Snøhetta’s architectural jargon includes the terminology of ‘equality’, ‘openness’, ‘generosity’ and mainly - strong climatic and environmental awareness. guests of the season what's new in Snøhetta Bonnie Evans שני השותפים המייסדים של סנוהטה: מאוסלו, Kjetil Traedal Thorsen מארה״ב. Craig Edward Dykers The founding partners: Kjetil Traedal Thorsen (above) and Craig Edward Dykers.