2022 מאי 129 אורח העונה - מתיו פורסט אדריכלות ישראלית 69 | | Xinxiang Cultural Tourism Center, Pingyuan, China Dedicated to winter sports, including an indoor ski slope, the nine ice cubes complex has become an architectural icon of the new tourism district, attracting many visitors from the city and the surrounding regions. The glass mantles, composed of a multitude of tangled translucent ice crystals, filter the natural light during the day while projecting the interior at dark. Above: Main entrance. Right page: View from the lake . Architects: Mathieu Forest, Qiang Zou. Design team: Zeng Teng, Wu Di, Wang Zhuang, Arnaud Mazza, Ma Jia, Xue Qixun. Local Architect: Henan Urban Planning Institute. Construction: ARUP LTD. Landscape architect: Hassell Shanghai. Interior design: WU:Z Design. Photos: ArchExis.