2022 מאי 129 אדריכלים מציירים - צדוק שרמן אדריכלות ישראלית 95 | | editorial Let there be light In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, wrote the witty and controversial dramatist Hanoch Levin. And the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be light, and there was darkness. The second day, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light, and there was darkness". The situation went on until Friday. God got angry and shouted: "Am I god or not, the hell, Let there be light!" Suddenly a light was in one of the windows, and a man in pajamas peeped out and asked, who is that shouting at midnight that he is God? It has been said for many years that the end of the world is coming, and every year the year begins again in September (for us). We fast, ask for forgiveness and life goes on as ever. Every year God drops terrible storms upon a mango plantation in Zambia, flooding it with lots of water. The trees thank God, and in return, produce juicy fruits that attract millions of bats from all over the world. The bats eat the mangos in sensory intoxication and sprinkle kernels all over the ground, giving thousands of new trees in return. As an optimist who wrote a doctorate about sacred architecture, I feel free to state that there are two impossible jobs: the first being one-god, the other being a prime minister. Being one-god since you have to work for all 24/7, and prime-minister since each one is sure he is god, and this is the proof that there is more then one god. And forgive me, all those praying that democracy will soon disappear and dictators will bring peace and quiet to us, until the next pleasure or the next world, depending on which side of the mountain you pray. In the meantime we eat matzot every year, and they fast at Ramadan; they throw stones at us, and we throw the Sons of Gvir upon them in return. If god (or evolution) would give me the choice, I would certainly prefer to live away from all those who believe that one can solve problems with stones. But the poet reminds me every day to ask "maybe behind the windows the autumn cries, maybe one is wondering alleys of loneliness, maybe behind the window hides the spring" (Lea Goldberg, approximately). Every day I go to the fields with my beloved dog Nimer, and the beauty of the sky is heavenly. On the way I smell flowers and admire the perfect shape of thorns, and ask myself again and again how can one think that all this was created by evolution alone without the help of god. And what is god anyway, if not the sublime mystery we cannot decipher, the one we will never know, the one who can allow himself to shout out in the middle of the night, Let there be light. Architect Dr. Ami Ran Editorial