אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 130

2022 אוגוסט #130 אורח העונה / סטיבן צ׳ילטון אדריכלים, אנגליה אדריכלות ישראלית 21 | | | Han Show 'Red Lantern' Theatre, Wuhan, China. Situated on the edge of Lake Shuiguo, the structure of the theatre was inspired by the typical Chinese paper lantern, aspiring to create a seamless architectural relationship between the lit building and the unusual 'wet/dry' auditorium, whereby the audience could be physically and mentally involved in the live immersion performance. Slightly tilted, the cylindrical structure wraps around a fly tower, functioning as a beacon, sound baffle and shading device to reduce the thermal load on the building. The traditional bamboo structure of the paper lantern has been reinterpreted as eight intersecting tubular steel rings, suspended in orbit around the theatre fly tower by a series of cantilevered arms. The podium facade is modulated and shaded by a circular array of slender, rectangular columns symbolizing the bamboo structure of the paper lantern, forming the front and back service areas, including the main entrance lobby and management offices. SCA | Steven Chilton Architects Theatre Architect: Stufish Ltd. Project architect: Jenny Melville Design Team: Dan Dodds, Chihming Huang, Austin Hutchison, Jasna Jevermovic, Ric Lipson, Adrian Mudd, Alicia Tkacz, Sharon Toong, Stefan Tribe and MAciej Woroniecki Local architect: Guangzhou Pearl River. Interior Design: Hongtao Photos: Original Steven Chilton Studio, MAciej Woroniecki