אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 130

2022 אוגוסט #130 אדריכלים מציירים / אורי שטרית אדריכלות ישראלית 93 | | | What did it do to you? With all the grief, pain and personal injury of sitting in prison, I chose to remember that it was the first time in my life I found time, a lot of time…for myself. And what did you do with this time? I thought a lot of where I was wrong, where I failed. In between, I took advantage of the quietude… to write, translate and even draw. What makes you happy, two years after you realized that freedom is not obvious? Listening to classical music, "conducting" the orchestra in my head. What feature expresses you as an architect? The ability to move quickly and without hesitation from one-scale to another. What was your 'life’s project'? As an independent architect... The Jaffa Terraces residential project, and “Yad LaYeled” in Yad Vashem, which I was lucky to jointly plan with Moshe Safdie. What do you think of the State of Israel? Today we are all a bit confused... but in the end everything will work out. We have a tendency to be too critical towards what is close to us, and forgiving of what is far. What was the sentence you uttered to students in the first lesson... ? " Hello everyone, from now on we will enjoy being together." What would you like to bequeath to the next generation of architects? I guess they will do well without me ... Where do you see yourself in the coming decade? I'm ready for the next round... פרויקט חצרות יפו אורי שטרית אדריכלים