2022 נובמבר #131 האדריכלות הפולנית המשוחררת אדריכלות ישראלית 11 | | | By the Way – House in central Poland "The client had a lovely piece of land on a hill near the river," says the architect, "but he had a strange wish - to copy the interior of his previous apartment to the new house. This gave me the idea to wrap up the previous apartment that is located on the ground floor inside the house in an area of about 250 square meters, using the winding road between the trees to the top of the hill and down to the river.' (he added a new open living space to the ground floor and raised the previous apartment layout to the first floor). Above: The living room. Right page: The master bedroom. Robert Konieczny – KWK Promes Photos: Olo Studio