אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 136

מלחמת הפייק בניוז 59 | | | 2024 פברואר 136 אדריכלות ישראלית Above: House in Iceland resembling an image of piled-up containers, their side walls glazed to show (off) how the interior can still function despite their strange angles. Right page: Deformed hotel in Barcelona - one of Spanish photographer Victor Enrich's 88 computer-reshapings of real buildings post-modern style which was born as a reaction to the emotional "dryness" of its predecessor, cherishing non-functional pseudo-historical details in the form of columns which do not stem from the floor, gables that do not carry any roof and visual envelopes that are decisively cut off from the structure. One of the most known quotes in this context is attributed to the minimalist architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - "God is in the details". This idea, imbedded in the architectural wisdom of Germanborn architects is that understanding the principle behind the details is much more important than analysis of their visual form. The wisdom of life, which is naturally supported by the Hindu faith, posits that the spiritual god is in heaven, while his tangible existence is also in every detail in the universe. Needless to say, neither have a visible figure, and approaching them is possible only through intention. And, philosophically speaking, God is constantly searched for, whether it is "I" or anything it creates, and one may say that this is the most important principle in architecture. Hence, the best evidence of divine existence in architecture is the Golden Proportion, which factually dictates the order of things, particularly in sacred architecture. Although till today its structural advantages are unclear, it in fact exists in every structure in nature, starting with the unimaginable universe, through the structure of snails and molluscs, and on to every part of the human body as well as the bodies of all other animals. Interestingly, though without massive intention, this is also the formula for the ideal proportion between height and depth of stairs, which can be felt mainly in every International Style structure, as well as in the Planning and Building statute requiring that 2 x height + 1 x depth will add up to 61-63 cm. And before one gets lost while becoming involved in faithful interpretations, it can be summed up that since latent planning factors are the products of the architect’s brain, so far no machine can replace the effect on the user's involvement in design, which ensures the enrichment of the building experience over time. However, in a situation where the most influential socio-spatial reality is social networks rather than architecture, as was thought historically, fake news is far more problematic than assumed, and the sooner we do something about it, the better.