אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 136

אורח העונה - לונגי אדריכלים, פרו 91 | | | 2024 פברואר 136 אדריכלות ישראלית the tiktok file editorial Once, grandma said to me, "Tell me dear, according to what do you decide to write the editorial?” I thought a second and answered with a smile, “According to the Portion of the week...that is, what affects the nation's mood the most, and especially, what bothers me personally at the moment I decide to sit down and write.” “But the weekly portion is only good for a week, and you live on a quarterly basis,” said grandma, who passed away forty years ago. Well, she was probably right, and in line with my recent shift closer to religion, I decided to try and average the meaning of the last three weekly Portions. And it goes like this: The previous week's Portion - Parashat Beshalach, talks about the Red Sea parting, reminding us that the war with Amalek is not a matter of "Bang!…we will show you what it means to start with us", and above all, emphasizes the urgent need for a leader (preferably upright) who can get us out of this mess. The portion that followed - Parashat Yitro relates that the only thing that interested the people after getting out of Egypt was gold, Moses had to appoint upstanding ministers and judges to judge and sentence them back into line. And based on what, I asked myself with growing curiosity, did the next Portion - Parashat Shoftim state, among other things, that women were the property of men, who own them and therefore can treat them as they wish – a problematic situation, especially now, as so many captive women are raped on a daily basis by their Hamas captors. “And that, you think, is what dictates the mood of the people?” asked grandma...Well I’m not at all sure, especially in these times when the Knesset is loaded with chauvinists, most of whom are extremely corrupt. And in order to show everyone that there is a great difference between the corrupt ministers and the people of Israel, the "TikTok" generation rose up and showed everyone that it was ready to sacrifice no less even than the War of Independence generation, represented for me by grandma's son – Abba, who risked his life twice a day, volunteering to drive his own car ahead of the convoys to Jerusalem in order to attract the enemy ambushers’ fire, thus exposing them to the return fire of our forces hidden in the convoy trucks. And when I listen in sadness to the heroic songs of fighting to the death against the then Amalek, I am filled with the chilling words of Haim Gouri, Haim Heffer and others - "Bab el Wad," "The Fighters' Friendship” and "DuDu" (David Circassi) - a guy with a frizzy, thick forelock and laughter in his eyes, who laughed to the heart of the sky as he was surrounded by girls; a man who patted the head of a Holocaust survivor boy while carrying him in his arms to the shore, and after being wounded in his legs, as commander of the force sent to blow up the "Nebi Yoshua" police station, called on his men to place the explosive charge on his shoulders and detonate it. Indeed, as Haim Gouri wrote, "Only he who has lost a dear friend in battle can understand the true meaning of the ”bond between warriors," which radically contradicts becoming enslaved to the corrupted leadership. And if, God forbid, we forget the events which preceded our current existential war with Amalek, we will have no chance to return home safely. Architect Dr. Ami Ran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5fmrwzkzw0