אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 137

15 | | 2024 מאי 137 חומר לעבודה - סקיצות פרלימינריות אדריכלות ישראלית | Beit Shneor - Etgarim Center, Ganei Yehoshua Sponsoured by the Cheshin family, the first Etgarim Center was built in 2013 Ganei Yehoshua. Offering a variety of sports activities, lectures and courses, mainly for the rehabilitation of children and adults with physical, cognitive, and mental disabilities, the center is focused on peoples' abilities rather than their disabilities. Recently, after the original center was demolished for the construction of the Light Rail line, a new building was completed comprising four structures which express the concept of freedom through their "random" positioning. The buildings include offices, classrooms, and two warehouses for special bikes covered by a hovering roof creating an inner street serving as a protected passage to the surrounding gardens. Yoav Messer Architects Photos: Maxim Dupliy