אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 137

Food for work - Hand-made sketches אדריכלות ישראלית Architecture of Israel #137 May 2024 | 20 | food for work Hand-drawn sketches and their influence on buildings Dr. Ami Ran Obviously, in every creator's mind the process is different; many times it stems from an idea, memory, feeling, or simply out of a natural desire to express a different opinion that may position the building in the allotted space as an extraordinary entity. It is important to note that in many cases he sketch takes on form long before other factors are taken into serious consideration. Statistical examination of hundreds of buildings indicates, as noted above, that the initial form of the building is often born in the architect's mind and never stops accompanying the design process, trying to spread roots despite the inevitable clashes and disqualifications - why yes... and why not... until it is forced to stand the real tests of time. It is no less interesting to note that this one-time encounter between the stage where the idea develops in the architect's mind until the process ends constitutes only a starting point. When the design reaches the end-user, who tries to lend the building his own interpretation, it can change according to circumstances, needs, etc. and is forced many times to be reborn yet again. The three works presented here are fascinating evidence of the conscious and subconscious streams imbued in the hand-drawn sketch which actually lend the building its unique qualities. One of the most prominent downsides of depositing architectural design in the clutches of computer software is that it has caused an almost complete elimination of the manual sketch from the planning process. How these sketches are born in the architect's mind and what their real effect on the final quality of the structure is are probably the most important determinators of the architect as creator; this is juxtaposed to his expanding role coping with the multitude of regulations which actually confine and define the architectural product. Further, when there are a vast number of factors that may influence the building form and content, such as the efficient functioning of the structure, the user's needs and desires, legal standards and restrictions, budget and environmental constraints, functional solutions and all kinds of popular concepts such as 'spatial presence', 'environmental assimilation', the water becomes yet more muddied.