אדריכלות ישראלית - גיליון 137

89 | | 2024 מאי 137 בית העונה - בית בביג׳ין אדריכלות ישראלית | Things to worry about editorial I have a cockroach who plays hide and seek with me. Every time I go to eat something he enjoys the crumbs under the table. If I surprise him in the dark he looks at me as if I had just landed from outer space and asks me in surprise, "What are you doing here at this hour?" I look at him and wonder whether I should crush him, or give him one more chance...and he nonchalantly scampers back under the fridge. One day the fridge started to chirp, "Help", as if I left the door open. I close it again, and it keeps chirping. After checking three times to make sure I am not mistaken, I decided to slide the fridge out of its niche, and the first thing I see amongst the piles of crumbs was the surprised "mister" cockroach - a perfect creature, an all naturally evolved product, with four sensors at the front, at least six sharp, hooked legs, 360 degree revolving eyes, angle wings, two genitals at the rear, and certainly a bigger brain than a smart cockroach exterminator. After two seconds of facing each other and mutually thinking, "What now?", I was sure I heard him say with a politician’s savvy, “Interested in knowing where the expression, "He has a cockroach in his head” comes from?” Of course I didn’t wait for his explanation and when he turned in contempt typical of Sinwar, I was already googling via my mobile I am never without, and the first thing that appeared was a brief description of Dvora Omer's children’s book from 1998, "The roach who got a cockroach in it’s head," and this is what it said (unrevised)... "Have you ever met a roach with a cockroach in his head who wanted to be a giant? There, in the story, you will meet one and read about his adventures and his conspiracies, and what happened when he was appointed Minister of Behavior in the Kingdom of Low Creatures, and about his plans to control the miserable flatterers he abused" The are no accidents in life I said to myself, and then, when my head was still dealing with my own cockroach, I realized that the chirping was coming from the area of a faulty filter behind the fridge. And as if to help people understand that this story, like all children’s stories (Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver and Little Red Riding Hood) are allegories about thing’s that adults do, and that this is what happen’s to small people who dream to be bigger and more important than everyone else. And after several moments of denial, thanks to my naturally born objectivity (subjective) I was thinking of Ben Gurion, and how, thanks to his "cockroach" we have a State; about Ben Gvir, who, due to his "cockroach", is about to lose us our State, and about The One whose "cockroach" is just about to be crushed. My grandma told me that If I want the point I’m trying to make to be remembered long after my cockroach has gone, I must end it with something to worry about, and here are three of them... ...Chirping fridge, people who behave like a chirping fridge and a whole State depending on them. Architect Dr. Ami Ran Reflection on Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis by Berberacious