אדריכלות ישראלית
פרויקט השנה - מקומות
Elementary school, Ramat Hanasi, Haifa
The most common answer to the question: “What do you enjoy most
during professional conferences” is usually – “the coffee breaks”, and
not without reason. Random interaction is still perceived as the most
interesting topic, particularly in settings with a defined agenda. Hence,
this was Harrison Owen's starting point for the Open Space Technique he
developed in the 80's. The technique, which gained immense popularity
over the years, is based on the concept of the random component as
an organizing factor. Designed for the new neighborhood of “Ramat
Hanasi” the school adopted the method of "learning through playing" in
response to the situation whereby the conventional classroom has lost its
exclusivity in the Internet age. With 18 classrooms, the school includes
18 classroom-yards, 6 group yards and a general yard.
Danny and Smadar Raz Architects